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Punctuality ,please Be essays

When a work is done well in the nick of time, is called punctuality.
If we see the universe, we find that every thing is discharging its duty with punctuality. The sun cannot rise a night, the moon cannot leave its line of rotation, the world can not go against the rule of puncuality.


If they are left free all their will and binding of punctuality is lifted, then the whole universe shall be destroyed. Punctuality in human being is as essential as the universe adopts. Without punctuality the whole administration shall be collapsed and the word "Sure" shall be omitted from the dictionary.

  Suppose, I am to attend office at 8 o'clock.  I shall have to rise early and leave my residence in time so that I may reach the office at right time. But if I l adopt laziness in reaching office, I shall be marked late and thus I may be punished and bear monitory loss. If a train runs late, many of the passengers might be suffered from a lot of problems, due to late arrived of the train. So, punctuality is an essential character of a successful person. He prepares his daily work routine and remains punctual on the routine, In the same away.

 punctuality is more essential for students. The students who strictly adopt punctualify. are always successful. And those who are lazy, idle and careless, they are always disgraced. Punctualify needs no expense of money, but it is a procedure of daily routine. If we adopt punctuality in every sphere of our life, we will find much satisfaction of conscience and much benefit in our profession, whether we are student or working l is also a merit o punctuality that if the majority of the country discharge their duties punctually, the country develops speedily and we receive the reward of punctuality in fruitful shape.

 In Pakistan, punctuality is necessary for us. We should know that our country demands tireless labour from the nation, so that our country may develop and prosper. So it is the duty of students, labours, officers, scientists, lawyers. businessmen, housewives and the leaders to be punctual in their duties. 

Punctuality is the sign of success in every sphere of life. For such success, capital is not needed. It can be obtained from adopting discipline, abstaining from laziness and habit of performing duty in time.

Please be punctual for every time in every mostly be punctual for pray..thanks


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