Student life begins in a human society since one starts to read.
Gradually, he/she goes to the upper classes and thus reaches in a university. Thus, the age of student life begins from about five years and ends at the age of about twenty or lew years more.
The age of the student can be divided into two parts. The first part of student life has no much sense ol social, political or other genuine problems, but the second part is physically connected with these proble He remains eager to know more about them and naturally wants to take thatipart in them, either social or political prohlems Therefore, it is a natural demand of a human being, cither a student or a common young people, to take active part in constructive way to face and solve the problems of his unit or town, city or country.
But here as if a question arises whether one should take part in politics during his studeis life . There are different opinions regarding students and politics.
In this regard, l favour the student to take part in politics, but there must be some bindings over them. The matured d students should be allowed to take part in construcive politics wd the first lesson of it begins from the college union. It is also a fact that all the students are not much interested in it, but those who take keen interest in unionship, they much be well versed in the rules and regulations of it and they also must adopt those rules which make them perfect unionist. Thus, they are able to know the first lesson of politics.
But during educational period they must remember that acquiring education is their primary duty, They must keep in mind that after affording safficient time in study, if they save some extra time. they may take part in union activity, and this must be treated as secondary Further, the students who take part in union or rolitics, they should select right path of politics and should not play in the hands of selfish and destructive minded persons. If they fail to check themselves, their future shall not be bright and it is feared that their main object of education may spoil.
The students are the backbone of the nation and country as well Tomorrow shall be their day and they shall be responsible for the prosperty and good will of the country. Therefore, it is their first and foremost duty to be well qualified and after that they may take that participation in politics and their political activities must be constructivest and fruitful to the nation and the motherland.
The political activities of Aligarh Muslim University's students are the best example before us. They took part in the politics of the sub-continent and helped the Muslim leaders in fighting against he Hindus and the British rulers, and at last they achieved their goal and Pakistan came into being. Due lo the fact our father of the Nation once aid, "Aligarh University is the godown of armoury for Muslims." was not said that due to the fact that the students of the Aligarh University fought against their enemies with ams and swords, but they worked united and helped the Muslim leaders and suffering Muslims of the sub-continent who were victims of the Hindu aggressions.
They took very active part and constructive part in dividing hindustaan between pakistan and india and thus we got our new homeland.
Therefore, the students who take part in politics, though it is their fundamental right, they should keep in mind the character and constructive activities of the students of the Aligarh Muslim University.
It is sure that they will never adopt destructive activities against the nation and the homel ause of they are pillar builder of the nation and a leader of the days coming near..please share with friends.thnks
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