The Unemployment is a curse for a country. It creates a lot of economical. social
and too much political problems. Unemployment begets many evils in the country and the government is complelled to face these serious problems, begelted by unemployment, and the evil of unemployment increases day by day.
Unemployment is common in all branches. The educated, illiterate. immers. skilled and unskilled are suffering from this serious problems. is very essential to Lake immediate step to sweep out unemployment from Pakistan.
When we think over the reasons of this serious problem, we come the conclusion that.
1) The population of our country is growing at th e rate of 3.5 percent per year.
2) The population is increasing leometrically but the production is increasing arithmetically and the demand is not fulfilled on equivalent method.
3) Industries are nol developing to the demand of the population.
4) Cultivation is done on the old process and uncultivated lands are un-attended,due to slackness or lack of facilities.
5) There is lack of modern technology in our coutry, so we cannot produce export items and export the raw materials to other countries.
6) The peculiar old style of education is still continuing in our country. No change is brought it to meet the present demand. Now the world is changed and those countries who have adopted science and technology in all the fields, have solved the prblems of unemployment and poverty. But the education plan makers in this country do not dare to change the education policy according to the present demand.
So, we individually and the government should adopt the policy of discourging the increase of population. Scientific procedure of all cultivation should be adopted and unattended lands should be cultivated. Industry is the backbone of a country in ppresent days, so we should make our young generation skilled in modem technology and the capitalists should be invited to establish new industries. The last and most important factor to solve unemployment, i to overhaul the procedure of education policy and to make it according to the present need of education.
Thus, our country can be able to solvethe unemployment problem forever.
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