Pakistan is a poor country, and it is very rich in its resources and fertile land. There is very poor expansion of Industries and irrigation. There is no proper attention is taken to have the wealth from mineral resources. These are main sources through which a country can be wealthy and strong.
To make our country strong and self-sufficient in cash and edible crops, we should adopt the modern process of irrigation and cultivation. Sufficient facilities of manure, water supply and seed should be provided to the farmers, and that they can produce more crops and we may save our wealth by importing food crops from world.
A country can not be called a developed country,or flourishing country until it does not expand new idustries in all the possible the places where resources are easily available at that place . We have a lot of raw cash crops and we earn every little amount of income by exporting them. If we arrange to product export items or things from them, we can earn many percent more capital by such the export.
In the days of science and technology, many countries are adopting new technology in all the fields and. as a result, they have reached on the top of technology and research and now they are able to produce peculiar items of house holds and other beneficial machineries etc. So we also should try our best lo have modern technology for the progress of our country.
The world is divided into two blocks, one is the richest country's block which has every kind of source of income. Thus they have become the fate makers of the poor countries, which are in second block. Our country has also burdem of loans and we cannot get rid of it, until we are not able to utilize our all resources of income.
Our country has come into being on the theory of lslam or islamism. Islam is the religion of love and peace. unity and brotherhood among all the Muslims. lf we obey the Almighty, follow his orders and act accoding to the Sunnah, we can make our nation much stronger in all aspect and we can get our past superiority. strength and honours.
Let us promise to make our country self-sufficient in all the fields, wealthy and strong and prevailing unity among the country people.
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