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Duties of a student or an Ideal Student .my essays

Hi every one you know A student is a good hope
, directly or indirectly, for parents and the nation. Students are the fate maker of the parents and nation. Every popular and famous hero of the world was a student.


The period of studentship is very important. It is the time for the students to make their fate by hard labour and avoiding unvaluable interest.  An ideal student always prefer study and he/she spends his/her lime in reading, learning and willing to have knowledge. Helshe always seeks guidance of teachers and tries to get more and more knowledge.

                          VALUE OF DICIPLIEN

such student is always punctual in his/her class and never feels shame in asking any question which he could not follow. He/she never leaves any question unsolved and remains busy in solving such typical questions. Such students are ideal, dutiful and he/she invites the other students to adopt such practice, so that they also become fruitful for the nation and country


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