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Keep The Quad's City Clean .my essays

The essay indicates towards the cleanliness of Karachi city. It is the city of our great National hero

 the Quaid-e-Azam, who was born here, lived here and died here. Karachi has also importance of being the big and  biggest city of Pakistan and capital of Sindh Pronvince.

     Being the biggest city of Palistan and some other importanes, the city has greal charm for die foreigsiers Many foreigners can be seen roaming in the markets, shopping centres and olher importance places While they roam in the city. nalurally they observe all the things, such as, standard of living of the citi sen and cleanliness of the city. When they see the roads, streets, shops and offices diny and unhygienic, they go to their country with bad impression about our city.

Cleanliness and living in hygienic way makes human being healthy and strong The healthy citizen are the strong pillars of the country and they can make the nation on the highest point of success. So it is essetial and the responsbilty for the citizen to keep thier area clean.

 Regarding cleanlineses. specially the Quaid s City, it is the special duty of the people the city to  part in keeping the city clean. In 1980, the K.M.C launched a cumpaing to "Keep the Quaid's City clean" .The radio, T v and newspaper banners emphasised the need of keeping the city clean Posters and banners were displayed on importance places The teacher and lecturers also threw light on the importance of cleanliness The KMC and K.D.A took active part and, as a resul, the city wa quite neat and clean. Not even a piece of the waste papes was found on the road.

But suddenly slowly slowly we forgot the lesson and again the city became nasty and unhygienic, we see wasted papers, shopping bags. fruit peels and other too much nasty things on the roads. No body cares about the cleanliness of the city. Even we do not care about the cleanliness of our areas. Due to the slackness and laziness, we suffer from different discases, but we dare not lo know that fact of the diseases. 

Therefore, we should individually do our social duty in keeping in our area clean. If the inhabitants of the city should be keep their area clean. aulamalically the whole city of the Quasd shall be neut and clean. The hawkers, shop keeprs, K M C. and K.D.A authorities also should keep ual care and sufficient staff and should be fived for the cleanliness city. if we act and make habil of keeping the city clean, there is "r reason that we may not be proud of keeping our Quaid' s city clean...


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